ornamentum relapsing- Or "Barokoko fever"! Highly contagious! Beware girls, puts his mask and protective suit before it goes on, OK?
So then we'll start with this lonely box of cigars, how shabbily they lay before me ... But after I beornamentet plenty (which I've painted that was not so),
with old lace and glitter Ling pimped in the middle of it but have become a real beauty, right?
And this was once a dark brown
liquor cupboard. Grotto ugly, but after I generously with the color went to work and here too the "ornamentum fever" struck it looks today
Sun But the fever continues for long, is not simply to pete, No, no. The large cabinets also want to be beautiful, and what it may ever so get in the way ...
beornamentet So here again. And the next post (I hope I never forget it again ...) I'll show you who now lives on the Schränckchen. They are called "Glimbärlich" + "Schnurrrps. A Bienenpoggie and .... from me.
Have a nice case Tuesday (ah, Valentine)
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