ornamentation the 2-th yeah, I can blog again! So almost a week without a PC, mmmhhhh is somehow, well that is not. But now I'm back, and virus free. 'd Really know who ma so nen Mist is always ..... Abääär! I used the time wisely and show you all today flitzeschnell the newly gepimte Holzkästle.
And bärsonderen request by Gabriele (* knoootschy *) this time also the original state before the Beornamentung.
(Sorry the photo is Miess genuine, but I think it can be hinted at ...)
And because it was beautiful I'm still the case and brushed hergenommen same for the finished castings.
Plane I, meanwhile, indeed already busy, a new major project for which I must vorgießen lot;
Wishing you ne nice sunny week and include: (JUHUUUU! 2 new legibly have in my brief viruses of absence! .! registered Soooo looking forward to)
War (also on insects busily sewing up "Nimuuuhe" I've already mentioned;. then came "Möhrlin" and another "Stoppelhopser" grad and I am designing on New cut ... ma see how far I get today.)
Ornamentenknoootschys! , 0)
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