isser Here at last! The Minimöhrlin. 14 cm, small and fits so nicely into a hand level. Rotzefrech the bargain, nothing but mischief in the head ...
The nose I hand modeled selbstbärsöhnlich. Because it does not give yes nunmal matching color "buy noses" in the paint.
And here again with hat, but I do not really know somehow I find the fit not quite yet .... or?
And now the history of naming. The TV is always made advertising for the broadcasts; and has expressed so Kam also the announcer at the word "Merlin" so stupid, and we have always "Möhrlin" understood. Well, and so were the little boy. Oh and a concrete Aussprechfehler of my children for a creative re-provided food for thought. She said daletzt "... what is the name again?" Rüüübin Hood? "* Hihi *!
So you can have you looking forward to next Hasie." Rüüübin Hood! "But before I show
I think you put "Al-Pacon.
karottiglustigen Wishing you a great day!
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