pain to let The Monday could have been so good, if, indeed if it had not been there the malice, which the left hand does not know what the right one. (So much for multitasking!) But apparently I can net ... Well, the fingernail on the left index finger is now on (-cut). Maybe you should if you Japanese? Knives used here are watching as japanese?
So when I cook and Czech Czech kuck it turned out, it whatsoever. The knife I've decided, will now be cursed existence periods in the drawer! Because that is strange indeed: that is now for the 2-second time on the same finger! within 2! Weeks happened .... mysterious! (And is continually repeated 2 ..... hmmmmmm)
Sun gehandycapt (you spell that right?) And only working with 9 fingers there is only one way to add to "Tippfähler are Apsicht and should help to aalgemeinen Erheiterrrung."
Wishing you beautiful ne, injury-free week.
DI; 0)
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